On the market there are few different chinese transponders named "CN3".


Type 1 - "Full" CN3


Can be used  in all cloning steps 1-3: for sniff and to write.


Type 2 - sniff mode doesn't work


Can't be used  as sniff (steps 1-2).


There is no possibility to delete not blank CN3 for sniff:



or CN3 transponder can't collect sniff data:




Collect sniff data using TPX4 transponder and use CN3 in step 3.


Type 3


Transponders are identified as "TPX/CN3" but gives write errors even in step 3.

Can't be used cause of unknown  type or poor quality.




PC should have access to internet.



set TPX3/4/CN3 decoder to Internet (Setup).




click Write.


cn3 2


Click Connect to connect to internet server and start procedure.


cn3 21



Proceed according to instructions from decoder messages window.


Read original key.

clone46_0        RD



Write TPX3/4/CN3 for sniff.


For sniff both TPX3/4 ant CN3 can be used.


clone46_02cn        WR

clone46_03cn        WR





cn3 4


Perform operations in the car - turn ingition on and off 3-5 times (wait for 2 seconds in each cycle)  - use both original and sniff.
Click OK


cn3 5


Click Connect to connect to internet server and start decoding.


Proceed according to instructions from decoder messages window.


Read sniff.

clone46_05cn        RD



Read original key.

clone46_08        WR


Wait while processing.




Write destination CN3 transponder.

clone46_11cn        WR





If decoder will not be able to find crypto key repeat all steps again. Its important to repeat decoding with different sniff data.