Cloning on TK60,46w2,LKP03,KD46



PC should have access to internet.


tk60 2


Put blank TK60 (TK100 in 46 mode) transponder into base unit and click Write


tk60 3


Perform operations in the car - turn ingition on and off 3-5 times (wait for 2 seconds in each cycle) .
Click OK.


tk60 4


Put the same TK60 (TK100) transponder into base unit and click Read


tk60 5


Put original transponder into base unit and click Read


tk60 6


Click Connect to connect to internet server and start decoding.


tk60 7


tk60 8


Put original transponder into base unit and click Read


tk60 cr


Additional decoded crypto code is displayed.


tk60 cr2



Choose transponder type to write and click Write


For carbon 46w2/LKP03/KD46 there is possibility to perform write test to check transponder validation.


tk60 10